Siding Maintenance Musts: Fall Edition

The coming of a new season brings a host of new conditions that your home’s siding has to deal with. When it comes to fall, that always entails significant drops in temperature. Since siding plays a very big role in regulating the temperatures within your home, it’s important for them be kept in the best shape possible so that you stay warm. Erin Isle Construction offers the top things that you have to do to ensure that.

Must #1: Get inspected.

One of the most essential things that you need to do is to have your siding in Portland, Oregon regularly inspected. A professional eye goes a long way towards spotting problems that might more easily escape your notice—like internal moisture issues, mold growth, moisture issues, and more. An added benefit to this is that Erin Isle Construction’s repair recommendations will be spot-on and will be given the long term in mind.

Must #2: Keep it clean.

Like everything around your home, siding needs to constantly be cleaned. The first reason for this is the obvious: aesthetics. Cleaned siding looks great and is worth showing off. The second reason is that this care and maintenance helps extend the life cycle of your siding. It’s always best to have this job done professionally. Not only will the right cleaning materials be used but you also gain assurance that every inch is cleaned thoroughly.

Must #3: Replace when necessary.

It might seem tough to have to go for a siding replacement in Portland, OR, but sometimes it’s really the best option. This is because it can immediately eliminate many long-standing problems over the years and should be a consideration if your siding is several years old. One of our most popular options, James Hardie® siding, has many different siding styles to choose from that benefit from great aesthetics, enhanced durability, better insulation, and much more.

The key to being ready for fall is to keep your siding well maintained. Spare no expense to have them checked out, cleaned, repaired, and replaced by professionals. When things start getting cold, you’ll appreciate all the effort you put in. Call Erin Isle Construction today and we’ll gladly help ensure that your siding is well taken care of.